
VisionTrade Roadmap

Q2 2024

  1. Project Initialization and Team Formation

    • Assemble a core team of AI and blockchain experts.

    • Establish a project framework and initial goals.

  2. Technical Foundation and Infrastructure

    • Set up the development environment and necessary infrastructure.

    • Begin smart contract development for token issuance and staking mechanisms.

  3. Market Research and Analysis

    • Conduct thorough market research to identify key user needs and competitive landscape.

    • Define the technical requirements for AI utilities.

  4. Technical Analysis Tool Development

    • Initiate the development of AI-driven technical analysis tools.

    • Create algorithms for market trend analysis, chart pattern recognition, and indicator-based analysis.

  5. Token Safety Analysis Tool Development

    • Start developing AI algorithms for token safety analysis.

    • Focus on detecting suspicious activities, scam tokens, and contract vulnerabilities.

Q3 2024

  1. Wallet Analysis Tool Development

    • Develop AI models to analyze wallet behaviors, transaction patterns, and risk assessment.

    • Implement features for tracking wallet activities and flagging unusual transactions.

  2. Token Analysis Tool Development

    • Work on AI-powered tools to evaluate token fundamentals, project health, and community engagement.

    • Incorporate features for comparing tokens and generating investment insights.

  3. News Analysis Tool Development

    • Build AI algorithms to aggregate and analyze crypto-related news.

    • Develop sentiment analysis models to gauge market sentiment and potential impacts on token prices.

  4. Alpha Testing and Feedback Collection

    • Conduct alpha testing for the initial set of AI tools with a selected group of users.

    • Collect feedback and identify areas for improvement.

  5. Community Building and Marketing

    • Launch initial marketing campaigns to build awareness and attract early adopters.

    • Establish a community engagement strategy and set up communication channels.

Q4 2024

  1. Beta Testing and Platform Optimization

    • Expand testing to a broader user base and refine AI tools based on feedback.

    • Optimize platform performance and user experience.

  2. Smart Contract Audits and Security Enhancements

    • Conduct comprehensive audits of smart contracts and implement necessary security improvements.

    • Launch bug bounty programs to identify and fix vulnerabilities.

  3. Integration and Interoperability

    • Integrate AI utilities with popular crypto wallets and exchanges.

    • Ensure interoperability with other blockchain platforms and DeFi protocols.

  4. Educational Resources and User Guides

    • Develop educational materials, tutorials, and user guides to help users understand and utilize AI tools effectively.

    • Conduct webinars and workshops to engage and educate the community.

Q1 2025

  1. Full Platform Launch

    • Officially launch the VisionTrade platform with a complete suite of AI utilities.

    • Ensure a smooth rollout and address any post-launch issues promptly.

  2. Partnerships and Collaborations

    • Establish partnerships with leading crypto projects, exchanges, and media outlets.

    • Explore collaboration opportunities to expand VisionTrade's ecosystem.

  3. Advanced Features and Continuous Improvement

    • Begin work on advanced features like predictive analytics and AI-powered trading bots.

    • Continuously improve AI models and platform functionalities based on user feedback and market trends.

  4. Global Expansion and Regulatory Compliance

    • Expand VisionTrade's reach to global markets and ensure compliance with relevant regulations.

    • Focus on building a strong, international user base and maintaining regulatory adherence.

Last updated